Teen Resources - that are not cringe.

In addition to the resources found within this website, SYNC trainers conduct educational sessions for young people ages 12-18 to reinforce self-respect and respect for others, clear up misinformation about sex, discuss healthy relationships, teach how to avoid unplanned pregnancies and STIs, and identify and discuss future dreams and goals.

At any age you have the right to any and all of the following:

See a health care provider for STI treatment/testing, birth control, pregnancy tests, prenatal care, substance abuse treatment, or outpatient mental health treatment without a parent’s permission.

Purchase certain types of emergency contraception — including Plan B One-Step, Next Choice ONE DOSE, , My Way, After Pill and Levonorgestrel — over the counter at a pharmacy without a prescription. This is true for all people, regardless of sex, age, or gender.

Let’s look at the differences between these two emergency contraceptives: Plan B pills (levonorgestrel) and Ella (ulipristal). Both pills have the same purpose. They are meant to be used as emergency contraceptives after having unprotected, or unplanned sex. This should never be the main form of birth control, but an emergency contraceptive can be there if your primary method fails. Learn more about the differences between Plan B and Ella.

This includes prescription-based birth control and methods you get at a health care provider’s office like the shot, implant and IUD.

Visit the client locator to find the closest clinic for you.

Since laws are constantly changing, we encourage you to visit guttmacher.org to find information about laws that are impacting YOU.

Every Kid Needs a Fam­i­ly: Advice to My Younger Self

A short video clip fea­tur­ing men and women shar­ing what they learned from their expe­ri­ences in fos­ter care.

The Keys to Your
Finan­cial Future

A com­pre­hen­sive — and free — course from the Foun­da­tion’s Jim Casey Youth Oppor­tu­ni­ties Ini­tia­tive designed to help youth make smarter finan­cial deci­sions post-fos­ter care.


A nation­al youth net­work that sup­plies tools, train­ing and sup­port to young peo­ple in fos­ter care so that they can build a brighter future for them­selves and the fos­ter care system.


A quar­ter­ly mag­a­zine packed with inspir­ing and infor­ma­tion­al sto­ries penned by youth in fos­ter care.



Youth in
Out-of-Home Care

A web­site ded­i­cat­ed to aid­ing les­bian, gay, bisex­u­al, trans­gen­der and ques­tion­ing (LGBTQ) young peo­ple in out-of-home care. The page links LGBTQ youth to state and nation­al sup­port, a legal assis­tance hot­line, a run­down of their basic rights and more.

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